Saturday, April 21, 2012


Are there any spiritual types to gardening in raised beds? Maybe. Out of all the people on the earth, God chose Abraham, plucked him up and planted him in a special place, a very fruitful place. (Genesis 12:1) Did Abraham deserve it? No. God just picked him out to be a recipient of his blessings because He wanted a special people. God has always wanted a special people, a chosen people. God took special care of Abraham's children because He had a plan. All of mankind had become hybridized with sin, and God wanted to bring at least some of them back to original Word children. Through the planting and the tending of His special little garden, He finally brought forth Jesus Christ. The Seed had come to perfection. Now He planted the perfect Seed, but instead of planting It in the earth, He planted It in heaven. It did go into the earth, but the earth couldn't hold It. He is risen! Instead of planting the Seed in geographical Canaan, He plants It in spiritual Canaan, which is human hearts that have been prepared to receive Him. As the physical seed of Abraham entered Canaan by faith in the promises of God, so does the spiritual Seed of Abraham enter your heart by faith. Then, as the Israelites went forth to conquer and to cleanse the land, so does Jesus Christ come in and take out the giants of sin and wickedness in your heart. And finally, when you have come to full maturity, then you are counted as pure-bred seed! If you have received the Life of Christ, you are Abraham’s Seed as He is the Seed of Abraham, and children of the promise. (Romans 9: 7-8 and Gal. 3: 26-29) And God has a special place to plant you and nourish you! If you are a child, maybe God has given you Christian parents to give you special care and attention. Maybe you are blessed to have a good church you can go to for Christian fellowship and good Sunday School teaching. But even if you don't have any of this, there is a special place for you! And that is in the arms of Jesus! You get there by spending time in prayer and in reading the Bible. Whenever any kind of trouble touches your life, just talk to Jesus about it! No matter what happens in your life, whether good or bad, talk to Jesus about it. Take Him with you everywhere you go! That is your special privilege. That is your 'raised bed' (sitting in heavenly places).

God bless you!

1 comment:

  1. Now I feel so privileged as a child of God. Thank you for this inspiring post, David.
